domingo, 16 de junho de 2024

In This Together - Apoptygma Berzerk

Should I've seen this coming
Should I've known this
Shouldn't have let it happen
My mistake, alright
Stuck again, doing my thing
To alike, yet far apart
What felt so good once
is breaking me
and tearing us apart again

Here in this first stanza we can understand that what is coming is sin and that this is separating us from the path of God again. As always, sin appears to make a person feel good, but it is a momentary thing.

Don't you see?
We're in this together
You and me, one on one forever
Don't you see?
We're in this together
You and me, one on one forever

In this part we can see that the couple is together forever, but forever is used in a way to emphasize the problems of sin in the relationship.

I know its self-inflicted
We're way too desperate
Way too addicted
But I can't help the way I feel
I know it's time to be strong
Now when all hope is gone
And now when what felt so good once
is breaking me
and tearing us apart again

This other part shows us that how desperate the attitudes that lead to addiction are and that it appears that hope is gone, that what sin made us feel good will then kill our conscience and make the couple separate.

Don't you see?
We're in this together
You and me, one on one forever
Don't you see?
We're in this together
You and me, one on one forever

And in your troubled eyes I see
someone who carry me somehow
Like footprints in the sand
You've been behind me all along
We got it wrong from the start
Now it's you and me, let's hit it on
Don't you see?

And in this part you see how people let themselves be led by the example of others, which is why we must love our nexts as ourselves, and the path must be the salvation of souls.

Its you and me against the world
We're in this together
You and me, one on one forever
Don't you see?
We're in this together
You and me, one on one forever

Translated with help of Google Translate.

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The Collective Consciousness

Social vision, sexuality and aggressiveness are, above all, dominated by visual components. This is why staring is a behavior so severely controlled by precise codes and rules.


This collective consciousness is the kind of information people want.

Descartes said that common sense is very well distributed, where everyone believes they are so well provided. The collective conscience believes it has common sense. And Kerkhove claims that this is why most human cultures have created free-viewing objects (the arts) and free-viewing individuals (priests, actors, philosophers, and public figures).

Perspective of the world and its mathematical representation

Seeing things in perspective means putting everything in its place, with the right proportions for the human mind, your mind. Everyone has their own way of thinking, of putting the proportions of things in their mind. These proportions are directly linked to rationality. The word rationality comes from the Latin ratio, which implies a sense of proportionality. If we see it this way, we will have several different contexts, as people experience things differently from each other. There are several contexts, several visions, several worlds. We put each one in its place, as if assembling a matrix. What would be the adjacency relationship between each one? And what about those who live completely outside of what the collective consciousness defines as reality? Would it be other dimensions (matrix)? Let's assume so. Therefore, we do not live in a world of just three dimensions. Three-dimensionality is restricted to our senses such as vision and touch.

Let's say that there are connections between the elements of the matrix and that each perspective of the world, these dimensions of each one, is the person's consciousness. If there is an adjacency relationship between the elements (people). If there is some adjacency between the elements, there is a form of communication between these perspectives. And this form of communication is not just through the alphabet, there may be a form of communication beyond the senses, a meeting of souls.

These connections are the reins of collective consciousness. Hence, advertisements in places with the highest audience transmit mass thoughts, collective consciousness. Also soap operas, films, etc. After launching the general idea in a mass media outlet, he performs a form of Ludovico Treatment on several people.

This is also how people are killed indirectly. Or do you think the guy who shoots at the end is the only killer?

Who will win in the end? Evil or good?

Gabriel Chalita says in the preface to Priest Marcelo's book Ágape: evil cannot overcome good. If atrocities bother us, if the trivialization of violence scares us, we need to go further. Beyond what our eyes can see, beyond what our senses can capture. We need to go further and reach the depths of our heart, where only the language of the soul, of feelings, of the simplicity of faith is capable of reaching.

In Plato's Symposium he says that love is the lack of something, something we don't have. People will not be satisfied if they do not find God, if they do not see the Living God.

Since I was little, I only wanted to deal with the things I felt confident about, and like all thinkers I soon became suspicious of what could only be seen or touched. Most believe that the floor, ceiling, one's body, the sun, etc. they are the most indisputable things in the world, but soon after entering school I saw that everything was less reliable than numbers. Take the simplest kind of number, a telephone number, 339-6286, for example. It exists outside of us because we can find it in a notebook, but we can carry it in our heads precisely as it is, because the number and our idea of ​​it are identical. Compared to this phone number, our closest friend is unstable and treacherous. He certainly exists outside of us, and as we remember him he also exists, in a faint way, in our heads, but experience shows that our idea of ​​man is only vaguely like him. No matter how well we know him, how often we meet him, how conservative his habits, he will constantly insult our idea of ​​him by wearing new clothes, changing his mind, getting older or sicker, or even dying. Furthermore, my idea of ​​a man is never the same as other people's. Most disputes come from conflicting ideas about a man's character, but no one fights about his telephone number, and if we were satisfied with describing each other numerically, giving height, weight, date of birth, family size, home address, work address and (most informative of all) annual income, we would see that beneath the dissonance of opinions there is dissonance about essential realities.

Lanark - Alasdair Gray 

A pele da Cultura, Kerkhove
Ágape, Pe Marcelo Rossi
Lanark, Alasdair Gray
Descartes (Coleção: Os pensadores)

Translated with Google Translate Help: Missionária Carmelitana: A Consciência Coletiva (

A Little Respect - Erasure

I try to discover
A little something to make me sweeter
Oh, baby, refrain
From breaking my heart

I'm so in love with you
I'll be forever blue
That you give me no reason
Why you're making me work so hard?

That you give me no
That you give me no
That you give me no
That you give me no

Soul, I hear you calling
Oh, baby, please
Give a little respect
To me

And if I should falter
Would you open your arms out to me?
We can make love, not war
And live at peace with our hearts

I'm so in love with you
I'll be forever blue
What religion or reason
Could drive a man to forsake his lover

Don't you tell me no
Don't you tell me no
Don't you tell me no
Don't you tell me no

Soul, I hear you calling
Oh, baby, please
Give a little respect
To me

I'm so in love with you
I'll be forever blue
That you give me no reason
You know you're making me work so hard

That you give me no
That you give me no
That you give me no
That you give me no

Soul, I hear you calling
Oh, baby, please (give a little respect)
Give a little respect
To me

Soul, I hear you calling
Oh, baby, please (give a little respect)
Give a little respect
To me 

Thoughts about this song

This song can be heard by a mother or father, thinking about their child. When the song says baby, it's referring to your son.

There is a stage in a child's life when they start to say no to their parents, this is a lack of respect. Parents raise their children with so much love and sometimes the children have an ungrateful attitude in saying no to their parents when they ask the child to do a task compatible with their age. Parents, as always, are passionate about their children, with unconditional love and deserve respect.

Lyric copy of: A Little Respect - Erasure - LETRAS.MUS.BR

Translate with help of Google Translate

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